I Still Hide You In My Poetry
It's a rare occurrence to encounter individuals who leave an indelible mark on us, a mark that lingers long after they've embarked on their own unique journey. I was fortunate to meet such a person who, through shared experiences and wisdom, has significantly enhanced my life's perspective.
As our paths diverged, her influence did not wane; instead, it found a permanent dwelling within me, a quiet, positive resonance that continues to impact my worldview.
In navigating this journey, I found solace and a powerful means of expression in the written word. I started to see her influence subtly permeating my work. One day, I found myself reflecting, "I still hide you in my poetry."
My poetry became a mirror of the world as I see it, reflecting subtle echoes of her. The vibrant cityscapes we explored, the tranquil landscapes we admired – I began weaving these shared memories into my verses.
"I still hide you in my poetry" transformed from a simple phrase to a testament to her enduring influence on my life. A symbolic homage that transcends our shared past and resonates in my present and future.
Her influence, although invisible, is a powerful force that subtly shapes my experiences and expressions. Here's a tribute to such extraordinary individuals who, despite the divergence of paths, continue to influence us, living on in our actions, our thoughts, and sometimes, even in our poetry.